In the fall of 2022, COVER began working with a muralist named Julio Alejandro Munoz, “Ragko” (ragkoart.com), on a mural concept. In conversation with the artist it was clear to us that the mural needed to be a community-supported and community-engaged project given its highly visible location as one enters downtown WRJ from Sykes Mountain Ave. In the past, this wall has been marred by graffiti and continues to invite graffiti as long as it remained unpainted.
During a community-inclusive event in November 2022 the first design ideas for a mural were discussed, sketched, and compiled into an artistic rendering. The muralist led us through a series of prompts, including emotions evoked when thinking about WRJ as a place.
In January of 2023, we circulated a mural design and an on-line survey asking for feedback – over 140 community members responded with comments. After making changes to the mural, a Q&A was held in February by zoom to reveal the next design iteration and to solicit further community feedback.
During every step of the design and re-design, the mural had been grounded in the community and our connection to WRJ – including its past, present, and future. In the words of the muralist, Ragko, the mural in its final iteration is meant to reflect a sense of hope, through the act of blowing air and light. The look through the window represents a deep reflection on life, rootedness, and a sense of place. The child’s personal and special history is reflected in the woman. The mural is meant to celebrate life and human stories and the inter-connectedness between our stories and sense of place.
For more mural information:
- The COVER Building
- The Mural Process
- The Energy Justice Clinic
- About the Artist